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The Gwinnett County Sheriff's Office is structured into two bureaus: Administrative and Operations. Both bureaus fall under the direction of the Sheriff and the Chief.   

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Administrative Bureau

The Administrative Bureau is comprised of the Administrative Services Division, Support Operations Division, and Jail Operations Division and is commanded by Deputy Chief Melanie Jones.

Bureau Director

Deputy Chief Melanie Jones

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Deputy Chief Melanie Jones is a multi-certified peace officer dedicated to maintaining the Gwinnett standard of excellence. She began her career with the Gwinnett County Police Department in 2004 and joined the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office in 2005. Deputy Chief Jones has dedicated over 19 years to providing outstanding service and achieving customer success by specializing in organizational leadership, fiscal management, forensic polygraphy, recruitment, and retention at the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office. During her career, she has performed critical roles in the Jail Operations Division, Administrative Services Division, Support Operations Division, and Field Operations Division. Deputy Chief Jones has earned promotions at regular intervals. As a Background Investigations Sergeant, she directed the Administrative Units, including Background Investigations, Internal Affairs, and Recruitment. Promoted to Lieutenant in December 2019, she served as the Commander of the Professional Standards Section and Public Information Officer. In January 2021, she was appointed by Sheriff Keybo Taylor to Assistant Chief Deputy and served as the Commander of the Administrative Services Division. Further evident of her exemplary level of leadership and service, she was promoted to Deputy Chief in December 2021 and currently serves as Director of the Administrative Bureau, overseeing the Jail Operations Division, Support Operations Division and Administrative Services Division. She has more than 2,000 hours of basic and specialized training. 770.822.3825

Bureau Director

Deputy Chief Antonio Webster

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Deputy Chief Antonio Webster began his career with the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office in 1999. Deputy Chief Webster has dedicated over 23 years of outstanding leadership to the citizens of Gwinnett County. He specializes in serving high-risk warrants, hostage rescue, and general tactical operations. Deputy Chief Webster has earned promotions at regular intervals and has supervised specialized units such as Investigative Services Unit, Fugitive Unit, Uniform Warrants, Sex Offenders Unit, Family Violence Unit, and more. In January 2021, he was appointed to Major, overseeing the Criminal Investigation Section and second in command of the Field Operations Division. In December 2021, he was appointed Assistant Chief of the Field Operations Division. In December 2024, he was appointed Deputy Chief of the Operations Bureau. Additionally, Deputy Chief Webster honorably served eight years in the United States Navy. 770.619.6814

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Operations Bureau

The Operations Bureau is comprised of the Field Operations Division and the Court Operations Division and is commanded by Deputy Chief Antonio Webster.

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