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Eviction Process

Evictions (Writ of Possession) are scheduled as they are received. You must obtain a certified copy of a Writ of Possession from the Clerk of the Court where you filed the Dispossessory Proceeding. Deputies do not assist in the physical removal of property.

Residential Evictions:

  1. Bring the Writ to the Civil Processing Office at the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center.

  2. Pay a fee of $25, set by Georgia law, [O.C.G.A.§ 15-16-21(b.)(12)].

    • Once we have the Writ and the fee, we will schedule the eviction.

    • You must bring the Writ to our office within 30 days of issuance.

    • If you do not schedule your eviction within 30 days [O.C.G.A.44-7-55 (d)(e)], we will return the Writ to the Clerk of Court.

  3. Landlord must set up a labor force.

    • A labor force of at least two people per bedroom for residential evictions is required.

    • If you are aware that the house is full, you should increase your labor force so that the eviction can be completed in two hours.

    • We must know if any unsafe conditions exist or may exist.

Business Evictions: 

The labor required for a business eviction will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

  • We must know the following information:

    • If any alcohol or cigarettes (for sale) are present (such as a bar or restaurant)

    • If flammables or hazardous materials are present

    • If groceries are present 

    • If the power has been turned off for a long time

    • If there are any unhealthy conditions

    • What type of items will be found at the business, especially heavy or bulky items

How to Request Off-Duty Assistance (HB 1203): 

This bill allows deputies to conduct evictions after business hours, on the weekends, and on holidays.

Email a completed HB 1203 Request Form (found by clicking the button below) to ​

  • The following information must be included on the form:​​

    • Landlord (Plaintiff)

    • Tenant (Defendant) 

    • Case Number 

    • Court Level 

    • Address of Premises Subject to the Dispossessory Proceeding and Writ of Possession (the address of the eviction site) 

    • Initials 

    • Signature​​

    • Printed Name

    • Date

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