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GCSO Locations

Gwinnett County Jail

The Gwinnett County Jail is a pre-trial detention facility that has the capacity to house 2,000 to 2,600 inmates. The facility is comprised of the Wimberly Tower and the Plunkett Building. In-person inmate visitation is not allowed at this facility.

Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center (GJAC)

The Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center is the main courthouse for Gwinnett County. The Sheriff's Office is responsible for the safety and security of the building's visitors, staff members, and inmates. Our Court Operations Division and Civil Process Section are both located in this building.

Gwinnett County Courthouse Annex Building

The Gwinnett County Courthouse Annex Building holds Juvenile Court and Recorder's Court proceedings. The Gwinnett County Sheriff's Office is responsible for the safety and security of the building's visitors, staff members, and inmates.

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