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Sep 18, 2024

News Release

(Gwinnett County, Ga., September 18, 2024) – The Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office achieved accreditation from the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) earlier this year. This accreditation demonstrates our commitment to the well-being and treatment of our inmate population. To further our efforts, we launched the expansion of the Gwinnett Re-Entry Intervention Program (GRIP). The primary focus of GRIP is to implement training and certifications into incentivized programs. GRIP aims to reduce recidivism by providing individuals with essential resources to successfully reintegrate into the community.

With the support of collaborative partners such as Viewpoint Health and the United Way of Greater Atlanta, the GRIP program facilitates 12 therapeutic sessions per week. The key components of GRIP include the Vocational Program, Fresh Start Garden, Restoration and Recovery, and the Barracks, with a current maximum program capacity of 230 participants. Through new partnerships with Gwinnett County employers such as Gwinnett County Animal Welfare and Enforcement, Prime Pest Solutions and Russell Landscape, we will be able to offer direct access to employment opportunities.

The introduction of Acivilate technology allows GRIP representatives to monitor program participation, supervise work details and track vocational courses. This secure mobile-friendly software synchronizes self-service by instilling independence and accountability for participants. Inmates who meet classification guidelines can receive in-custody training and become certified in Basic Pet Handling, Environmental Services, Basic Food Handler, Grounds Maintenance and Laundry Services.

Sheriff Taylor stated, “The primary objective of the GRIP Expansion program is to remain steadfast in our commitment to reduce recidivism rates and create a path of comprehensive advancement through rehabilitation, education, and vocational opportunities. By fostering a culture of support, we will continue to dedicate ourselves to empowering individuals through avenues of sustainable transformation and robust community engagement.”

Chief Cleo Atwater explained, “We are committed to developing strategies and cultivating partnerships with prospective employers to provide returning citizens with job opportunities and employment fairs. The program’s vision will be embodied through a community network dedicated to exemplifying our core mission to serve and protect through dedication, professionalism, active cooperation with the community, and respect for human dignity. GRIP is a hand-up, not a hand out.”

Chris Watkins, the Director of Workforce Development at Russell Landscape said, “We are immensely proud of the collaborative work Russell Landscape is doing with the Gwinnett Re-Entry Program. We extend a heartfelt thank you to the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office and GRIP representatives for their unwavering commitment to providing job opportunities for returning citizens. This program is not only transforming lives but also contributing significantly to making Gwinnett County a safer and more inclusive community for all its residents.”

The GRIP program would not be possible without the support from our partners: ACA Advisors LLC, Good Landing Recovery, Grit & Grace, GRAN Recovery, Gwinnett County Accountability Courts, Gwinnett Relief, Hands on Recovery, Homestead Recovery, Lawrenceville Inn, Lightway Recovery, Mary Hall Freedom House, Men & Women of Truth, NCNW-RISE, NSPIRE, Navigate Recovery, PTSD Foundation of America – Georgia Chapter, Recovery Foundations, Re-Entry Health Insurance Program (RHIP), Rise Up Recovery, Russell Landscape, Spring Forth Consulting, The Atlanta Mission the Potter’s House, Uber, United Way of Greater Atlanta, Viewpoint Health.

If you are a local business and would like to partner with the Gwinnett Re-Entry Intervention Program (GRIP) or for general information, please visit  


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